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My Mission: A Children's Book for Self-Love, Self Confidence, and Inner Beauty. 

Over this semester, I will be researching the effect the media has on children's perspective of true beauty. Along with that, I will be exploring the process of writing and illustrating children's books.  I have been passionate about the concept of inner beauty and self love for my whole high school career, and am excited to finally put this passion to paper. I will be working in my art class and during my field work term to constructing the book inspired by two artists, Oliver Jeffers and Eric Carle.


My primary research will be about self confidence, the media, and how to tackle the body image propganda and strengthen children's self love.


I will be using my job as an After School Teacher to interview and converse with 1st and 2nd graders to help me with my project. 


Keep up with my blog to track my process and findings!



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