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Eric Carle Illustrations. I'm using Eric Carles tissue paper collage style for my illustrations. I love the look and texture of the people when the color isn't smooth and perfect, like if I used paint or construction paper. The mixed colors and textures communicate the imperfections of our skin, and shows a wide range of tones instead of just one. Plus, I like his exaggerated colors and the way the clothing looks always catches my eye. I hope it will be part of what appeals people to my book.
Carol Rossetti Illustrations These illustrations are great artifacts because they are what inspired me to do this project. I loved how relatable these girls are and how much they teach you what is important. Rossetti preaches self-love and confidence, as opposed to "everyone is beautiful!". I am doing a similar style for my pages, each one will have a short story about the featured girl. I am hpefully going to make it rhyme though!
Oliver Jeffers

Oliver Jeffers is my other inspiration for my project. Im using his fluid style of characters to make my characters bodies. Drawing figures in movement have never been my forte so I'm excited to experiment with Jeffers' use of shape and almost surrealist style movement in his arms and legs. 

Lupita Nyong'o's speech on beauty/acceptance. 

Lupita Nyong’o’s Speech (inner): 

Thid id a pro-passion/pro-strength speech by Lupita Nyong'o. This speech can be interpreted in multiple ways and it absolutely took my breath away. I am going to use this speech on a survey about the effects of inner beauty vs. outer beauty campaigns. This particular speech is about how Lupita used to hate her skin tone and thought she was too dark. She then realized her inner beauty is more important than how she looks. (which is stunning anyway, inside & out)

Dream, girl. 

This documentary is about women CEO's and bosses. It starts off with multiple girls talking about what they want to be when they grow up. From engineer to artist, they all are confident in what they want to do. It's really sweet. Then it goes on to show the statistic that over 90% of young girls think women can be leaders, but less than 30% think they have what it takes. This film is in the process of being produced and hopefully will be finished before I finish this project so I can view it and apply it to my paper. Anyway, it seems like an empowering film that will show children no matter what, they have what it takes. P.S, my favorite part is when they show a female CEO holding her newborn baby in a baby sling as she leads a meeting. GROUNDBREAKING. 


Click image to watch. 

My body, finally.

This is ANOTHER awesome video where multiple women strip down to their underwear and a tank top to pose for UNRETOUCHED photos and this video. They embrace their ingrow hairs, pimples, pores. It's a great outer beauty acceptance video that is very empowering. I'd like to see how this video effects girls compared to niner bauty campaigns. 


click photo to watch. 


This is another inner strength, pro-girl campaign by Always. I love this one because it actually focuses on young girls. It's extremely empowering to see how girls are percieved compared to how they look at themselves. I really like this campaign, even though its still obviously a company selling, it still really speaks to growing children.


click to view video. 

Pantene, #ShineStrong

WHY ARE WOMEN ALWAYS APOLOGIZING!? This may be my favorite campaign because I honestly didn't even think about it until i watched it. Women are so frequently apologizing! I apologize when I bump into people, when someone drops something in front of me, it's crazy. Who knew it was so instinctual? This video shows how powerful we can be and how powerful we ARE- why apologize for something that doesn't need one? 


click photo to watch.

Dove Real Beauty Sketches

Dove is at it again, makin pretty good woman empowering videos. Obviously its still a campaign and is still selling a product, but it's is an outer-beauty acceptance focused film that is very well done. I'm also going to use this for my surveys on comparing inner beauty vs. outer. It lacks a little diversity, but it does include different ages which i like. 


click photo to watch. 

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